For A Cause!

Truly honored to be included in Blue Star Contemporary's 30th Annual Red Dot Art Sale, 2020.

131 San Antonio-based artists are participating in this fundraiser. The proceeds from sales benefit BSC’s programs and San Antonio’s artists community. Make this event successful by supporting your local artists and a non profit art organization.

Make an appointment today to see the show in person or visit for more information about the show and sale.

My artwork in the show is called “Section.” It is made with Kozo (Mulberry) fiber. It depicts the cell structure of plants that exists well beyond what can be perceived by the naked eye. The work references the section cut of a plant, as viewed through the microscope.

My Precious Paper!

I made these 33”X 6” unbleached abaca sheets for a project that I conceived a while back. But every time I take them out of the flat file, all I do is admire their beauty and keep them back safely. Perhaps, I am waiting for the right moment!

Adding Color

Chine collé is one of my favorite techniques for adding color to my etchings. Handmade paper works best for this process. It allows me to experiment with different papers I make in my studio.

Photo Etching, Chine collé, 9"X12"

A Fundraiser

Making art gives me immense pleasure, joy and satisfaction. When a work is purchased for a good cause it becomes extra special. These works were made to help support a fundraiser and were bought by an aesthetician. They are now a part of a beautiful home.

The colors in the work represent some of main elements of life - Water, Earth and Sun.

Made with Cotton rag, Kozo, Bamboo; 8.5"X11"

My Notes

Made these handmade books for writing notes on papermaking and natural dyeing experiments and observations. The sheets in the book are made with cotton fiber and the cover with abaca & cotton.

I prefer coptic stitch binding for note books due to its ability to let pages in the book open up completely flat.

Turkish Map Fold

I learnt Turkish Map Fold from Karen Hardy.

This fun fold technique has traditionally been used to fold maps. You can make a single sheet book or fold multiple single sheets and make them into a fun sculptural book. As you open the book each piece of paper unfolds entirely.


Handmade paper is very versatile and can be used in making artist books, sculptures, crafts and in this case a painting. This is created with fragments of handmade paper.

The process of deconstructing the paper and then re-integrating many pieces, to create something completely new, is an intuitive and ongoing visual experiment. Each collage begins with a premise or simply a piece of paper. Like a puzzle, the composition evolves one piece at a time. I continue to cut, rip or otherwise manipulate possible elements, making decisions about what works and what is needed next to complete the composition.

Paper Wallets

Homemade and handmade things are unique and remarkable. They add a personal touch and provide a feeling of being special.

I love making these wallets/pouches to hold gift cards. They are simple and quick to make. It’s a fun activity for kids as well. The paper used can be decorated with glitter, drawings, stickers, color, paint etc, or one can use double sided decorative papers, the possibilities are endless.

Book Making

I developed an interest in making books purely due to my passion for handmade paper. It helps me utilize the papers that I make and also provides meaning and purpose. I am always amazed by how a paper can take various book forms through its color, shape, structure, texture etc and can convey a story without using any words.

This is a simple double pamphlet stitch book made with Abaca, Kenaf & Cotton fibers.

Natural Dyeing

Dyeing and over-dyeing techniques result in many beautiful colors. The color making possibilities with natural dyes are infinite.

I used Kozo, Gampi, Abaca, and Flax handmade papers and dyed them with Kihada, Kariyasu, Indigo, Logwood and Cochineal.

What is your favorite color?

This is one question out of many that my children ask me all the time. They want to seriously know, especially when they are making a card or a handmade gift for me. My answer to them has always been- “I love all colors and I am partial to none.” Even though it sounds like a very simple, black and white type of answer, I find it extremely difficult to explain. I wish I had a straight forward answer to their question.

So, what's your favorite color?

Pulp Painting

I was first introduced to pulp painting a few years ago by Beck Whitehead, who was then the Chair of Papermaking Department at the Southwest School of Art. I was fascinated by how pulp can be used as a drawing and painting tool. I quickly realized that the room for exploration and experimentation with techniques in pulp painting are innumerable and boundless.

These paintings are created using pigmented pulp as a painting medium.

Abaca, 32”X 22”

Triangular Book

Hedi Kyle’s book structures are ingenious, innovative, and inspiring. They are absolutely intriguing and enjoyable to make. They can be modified in varied ways using ones own creative and artistic skills.

I learnt the Triangular book form during a workshop at Southwest School of Art from Karen Hardy, who is an amazing artist, friend and an exceptional teacher. I find the book structure to be simple and versatile. It is in Hedi's "The Art of the Fold" book. Try it out!

Beater Tests

Beater Tests: Total 6hrs for each fiber. Took samples every 30mins for 360 mins.

I find beater tests to be a very useful way to learn about the strengths and limitations of a fiber. It does take a lot of work and time but is completely worth the effort.

Fibers used: Abaca, Bamboo, Kenaf and Sisal